Mocked by drones

On Sunday, I decided to visit the parks I didn't on Saturday. It was sprinkling off and on for a bit in the morning, but getting to the park just after it opens means that there are fewer people about to get in the way. The azaleas weren't all in bloom, but what did bloom were pretty. Although hazy, the view from the top of the park was great. 

Where there are flowers, there are bees. Despite Japan being a small country, a few pretty big insects exist, from black cockroaches, monster hornets, cicadas, and bumble bees the size of mini drones.

These little mini-drones would hover right in front of you, as if they're daring you to try to take a pic, and will fly off as soon as you point one at them. Once you put the camera down, the motherfuckers will come back as if they're going, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah. I did, however, manage to capture a short vid. I'm posting it on the other place. 

The weather started to clear up. I felt as I were being rewarded for getting out of the house and not sitting on my lazy ass all day long. 

I went to another park to see the wisteria. The purple and pink ones were in bloom, but it was too early for the white ones, which are gorgeous when they are in bloom. 

The park had an event going on where there were vendors out selling their ware and a band playing South American music were performing. They were using instruments that looked like they were made out of reeds. It was pretty interesting. 

All in all, it was a good weekend. Next weekend is the start of Golden Week. This is another time of year you'll see lots of people traveling. Looks like Mother Nature is planning to literally piss all over people's travel plans. Forecast is rain 😐

Do you usually do when it rains during your travels? 



  1. I saw this on AFF, but had to come here to see your "drone". That is a large bumble bee!

    I suppose that in a large urban area, extensive garden parks serve the need to see nature. I just look out my window to see grass and trees and cropland. And I DO NOT have to put up with a crowd to see these things as blooms happen all summer long. Many adapt to circumstances different than what they grew up with, but I prefer being able to withdraw to a quite, rural hobbit hole. I think many that grew up in high population areas are uncomfortable in the setting where I am comfortable.

    I do enjoy seeing the planned, cultivated gardens like you show. I just do not need them as I have my own natural areas to view and enjoy.


    1. Welcum to my bright side 😂

      While I technically live in a "city," I live in the outskirts, near farmland and nature. Since I prefer to avoid the crowds, I like to go to places from early in the morning where there are fewer people out and about.

  2. I am so glad you captured it on video here my friend, along with your exquisite photos. It always seems to rain for about a week straight when I travel to B.C. every June. Luckily if I am going out, my sister has two umbrellas.One for each of us, so it does not dampen our spirits per say when sight seeing..

  3. OMFG, so incredibly pretty. That bee was huge! He was also like, these are my flowers, you're just a let's get that straight.

    I don't usually allow rain to stop me from much when I'm traveling, there's always indoor places to go when it's raining.

    1. I might have engaged in a staring contest with a bumble bee 😂

  4. As summers get warmer here, there are more big hornets, usually found in Mediterranean countries, around and they are gradually killing the smaller native wasps.

    1. I saw a few wasps, but mostly a variety of bees. The murder hornets are usually deeper in the forest.


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