
OK, that'll teach me to read the fine print whenever I get a notification that a ticket is on sale just to make sure I'm buying tickets for an actual concert and not some other event.

I saw "Bon Jovi" and "ticket on sale" so I chose the upper tier ticket that came with a T-shirt, CD and premium seating and went Click! Dunno how it is at other places, but once we buy a ticket, payment is immediately done online and tickets are non-refundable.

Later on, when I was checking out the place what I thought the concert was to be held, I checked the list of events and I saw "Bon Jovi 40th Anniversary Fireworks. Fireworks?? Not a Bon Jovi concert??!!

I went back to the ticket site and checked the fine print. There it was, that the event is a fireworks event and not a concert. Bon Jovi will not be appearing. Well damn!

Oh well, good thing that I like fireworks and it's going to be an hour-long show and they'll be playing Bon Jovi music, so it should be good.

I got to the beach where the fireworks is going to be held without getting lost, although Google Maps was trying to lead me astray. Fortunately, there were staff standing around to point me to the right direction. The fireworks was held at a big park that has a man-made beach, but no swimming allowed. I got my T-shirt and CD and headed for the beach to find my seat.

There were food trucks out, but soooo overpriced! I got this pork bun were I paid 800JPY (around $5-6) and it was so tiny!! I finished the sucker in two bites and it definitely wasn't anything to write home about. But, I really did like the sweet potato ice cream topped with sweet potato Mont Blanc. It was SO good! I also got a batch of freshly-made sweet potato chips. Since I got there early, I didn't have to deal with any lines at the food trucks, but there was a wall of people waiting in line at the food trucks about an hour before the show started.

It pays to get a premium ticket. The seat that I got was in the front row, right in front of the barges shooting up the fireworks. Nobody in the way of taking vids. Awesome!! The show was amazing. Bon Jovi's music was playing in the background with fireworks lighting up the night sky. I got the chance to try out my new action camera. For some reason, it stopped once and started back up again, so one of the songs in the middle got chopped off, but not biggie. That's what the fade is for. LOL I'm still figuring things out with the camera. It did take a better vid than my iPhone SE but the sound was a little muffled since I had it in the waterproof casing. Hey, the weather forecast kept saying to be prepared for rain, so better safe than sorry, yo.

I was hoping to check out the outlet mall at the station on the way back, but they closed at 8pm and not 9pm, so the shops were closed by the time I got to the station. Bummer. I took the slow train back so I got a seat. I didn't mind the longer train ride since there were still trains heading back to my neck of the woods.

The first vid is with the audio, but depending on the location this vid is viewed, it might be blocked because of copyright laws.

I uploaded another vid with no audio, so no boom boom sounds from the fireworks, either. Silent show. LOL

There was a market the next day, but that's a story for another post.

JN63JPN  9 Oct 3 Save  Edit


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