Bumbling Babble 1002

Behold the "gem" that landed in my inbox from a 21yo in Texas:

How much do you charge per hour?

Da fuq??!!

Of course I reported the clueless child's sorry ass. Now if any action will be taken is another story.

[UPDATE] Justice was swift. 😎 A huge shout-out to the @sitesupport team for taking quick action. Thanks a bunch! You guys are the best!

On another note, the office is preparing to move.

I knew they'll be clearing the fridge, but stupid me thought that they'd use common sense. I had a cup full of ice that I put in the freezer this morning, and I caught them getting ready to toss it. Now, I'm the basically the only one using the freezer. There's shit in the fridge that's been there for months. Do they toss that shit? Noooooooo, they decide to toss a cup that's clearly in use.

Common sense doesn't exist, yo 🙄

I'm glad I put my ice tray in my locker or that would've been tossed, too.

JN63JPN  9 Oct 1 Save  Edit


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