A message from Joy

While the rest of us Exiles have chosen to return to the site, one has chosen not to. She is happy where she is now and we respect her choice.

Without further ado, here's her message:

An update from Joy ( formerly known as author51)

For those who knew me for almost 9 years in Blog Land, I wanted to say Hi and also that I miss you all.

Some enquiring minds want to know how I have been since my exile and if I will ever return. Even though I have missed you and the wonderful connections I made, especially when blogging, I will not be back.

Since my exile in March, life has been good. I blog on a different forum and have remained in contact with a few of you and for that I am grateful. For those who used to read me daily but lost contact with when banned, I regret that and think about you often.

I am healthy, happy and still having fun with life and my Significant Other.

Just know that all is well with me as I sincerely hope it is for you too.

I just wanted to give those who have been enquiring about me, a quick Hi and final Goodbye update. Even though we may never see or speak to one another again, I think of you all with gratitude and love for the Joy, you brought this Joy over the years. Stay safe, happy and healthy please..

Love Always

Joy (author51)

Comments received: 

It warms my heart to know Joy is doing well. I miss her terribly on here and I only have myself to blame for not staying in contact with her.

I love you.
You don't know me...
My love circumscrscribes.
Thank you, JN.
I was gonna throw a tune...
But I'd rather

Try this.
Only for her:
There is a wicked 3/5th.
She'll love that.

Glad that she is happy.

It's wonderful to be hearing from Joy.

Thank you for passing this along. We come and we go to better things

I still chat with her through emails periodically being that I couldn’t get my other blog to work correctly.

Thank you for passing on the note.
That was her choice or it was offer she couldn’t refuse. Her post will be missed.
All the best for her.
At least you and some of the long time great bloggers are back.

Miss her. 🥲

Joy never failed to respond to a comment. And she had many. Nice that she is well

Glad that the three of you back

It has been an interesting journey to get here.

It's strange how the cookie crumbles sometimes! 🙂


  1. Thanks so much for doing this my friend.It warms my heart to be able to read them.You guys rock..xoxo

  2. Your post reached a lot of Joy's followers. I suspect my post won't have such an audience.

    1. I am just so grateful you all posted it for me and it reached a few that I have lost contact with. Kudos to you all for getting my message out..

    2. Here's one comment I got from luoxana:
      "I definitely have missed reading posts from Joy. I'm happy you know she is doing well. I'm sending virtual higs from Florida 🤗🤗🤗"

    3. Thank you as " luoxana" and I were bloggers who did not connect off line, when I myself was Exiled" but had with Community blog posts.. Thank you..

    4. I presume luoxana is sending hugs and not higs over to you!


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