Playing games

There's a group of buddies I used to work with a while back and we still get together for dinner at TGI Friday's every now and then. One of my buddies got into playing tabletop board games and has always been wanting to get us together for a game day.

He brought up playing a board game over Golden Week and we came up with a day that works for all of us. I offered up my place since I don't have kids or other family members who might get underfoot, plus I had a table big enough to set up the game. Unfortunately, family obligations came up for one of my buddies so the gamer brought over another friend who knew how to play the game to join us.

I made some seafood yakisoba for lunch, which ended up to be a hit. Since the guys went to the supermarket, they also picked up some soft drinks, and ice cream and bananas for milk shakes since they knew I had a blender (milkshakes are a thing in our group). So yes, I ended up making milkshakes during a break in the game.

We played Champions of Midgard, a Viking-themed board game where players place workers (called meeple) and roll the dice when battling monsters. Players collect resources and coins to help them win the battles. Winning these battles earn players points. The player with the most points wins the game. It takes some strategizing to collect these resources and coins to prepare for battles. When my buddy was explaining the game, it sounded pretty complicated, but it didn't take us newbies too long to get the hang of things and start strategizing to win the battle against a monster. Of course, we got advice on which resources we should collect and which monster to battle. I bought a ship, so I mainly focused on collecting resources to make the journey to battle the monster across the ocean. It must've been beginner's luck since I ended up in third place. 

I'm not much of a game player, but I had more fun than I thought I would. It's probably because I was in good company, too. 

Have you played tabletop board games? 


  1. When I was growing up, game night was a "thing". We played all kinds of board games as a family, and I played games with my kid when she was young, but nothing since she was a teenager.

    1. Nintendo was a thing when my kid came along. We used to compete at getting as many eggs as we could on Yoshi.

  2. I used to have game nights also when growing up and when my kids were young. Yahtzee, Monopoly, and Clue we played the most often. Sounds like a great night with friends..

  3. I used to play a lot of board games. Risk was one of my favourite games; it involved strategy, plus making and breaking deals!

    1. This game involved strategies, too. I had to figure out where to go, what to take, what to keep, and which monster to battle to gain points.


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