A moment with a millennial

There was a big flea market being held in Makuhari Messe and a buddy of mine who I used to work with asked me if I'd be interested in going. The flea market was being held during the latter half of Golden Week (a week with a bunch of bank holidays). I was game, so I met her at the train station in time to get to the flea market right when it opens.

The hall where the flea market was being held was huge. One side had people selling their wares out of their cars and the other side had stalls with people and shops selling their stuff. It was interesting but not much caught my attention. There was only one shop that had anything Garfield, but it looks like some of the didn't have the copyright. I did find a couple of cute Snoopy things that another friend would like. Never too early to shop for xmas and birthdays.

There were quite a few vintage and antique good being sold, one being an old rotary phone. My friend pointed at it and said "a phone I don't know how to use" 😐 She's a millennial, btw. 🙄 I had one of those wall-hanging rotary type phones hanging on the wall when I was a kid. 😐 There were also a lot of Showa-era characters that I recognized but she didn't have a clue as to what they are. Who knew flea markets brings out generation gaps? 😂We were surprised that there were a lot of people making a picnic out of it. There were picnic sheets all over the place. Toys and kids' clothes seem to be popular things people were buying, along with collectables. We saw people lugging around loaded shopping bags. Some people take flea market shopping seriously. It was interesting watching people haggle over prices, trying to get the best deal. There were vendors who just sat there looking extremely bored, never engaging with the people who passed by their stalls. That made us wonder what they were doing there. But then, maybe they were hired to watch the stalls.

After we went through and looked at all the stalls, we went over on the other side and got ourselves some well-earned energy-boosting sweets. There were also booths offering crafts workshops. The silver jewelry making workshop was quite popular with people lined up waiting to join the workshop. There were also stalls offering massages and one was offering a massage with the backs of kitchen knives. We both looked at it and were like, nope.


  1. There's no way I'd want to be massaged with a kitchen knife!

  2. Love going to flea markets and thrift /antique stores. Yours is too cool though especially the Vintage Classic cars there. Sounds like a great day even though your millennial friend did not know about the old rotary phones..lol.

    1. She doesn't know how to use a fax machine, either. LOL


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