Comments that were denied

This is a list of the comments that got denied by the reviewers today, and some even by the senior manager

  • If I forward this to Tier 2, I'll probably get a canned thanks for your suggestion response 😀
    (the original comment got denied after getting approved once)

  • I share your cynicism.
    What you see in the blogs now is the management's desperate attempt to gain more short-term revenue. Hell, even one of them reached out to me to ask not to bitch about the cam girls in the blogs. I just hide their blogs now, along with all the dick pix and hmu posts.

    I miss Andrew's vision as well.

    Things wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to suffer through incompetence, but the penny-pinching management keeps on insisting to outsource the first tier reviews to non-native English speaking nations (outsourcing is one of the first things they did when Penthouse bought the site) The only saving grace is that Tier 2 is a team of competent specialists.

  • It’s an issue that many bloggers constantly complain about yet all we get are empty promises of more training.

    I’m guessing it’s a revolving door at the outsourced agency with reviewers constantly coming and going.
    2 Weeks

  • For those of us who've been around for a while, we've been trying to get the management to take more proactive measures to educate users to better protect themselves from scams. The result is the easy to neglect text you see in the Message Center.

    We've suggested they add something in the newsletters the site sends out but it appears that they're more interested in projecting the women on the site as whores who'll fuck anything that comes by than warning horny dudes that there are nefarious actors posting as hot chicks looking to drain their assets and not their balls.

    But then, if you see all the comments posted on the clearly fake photos, some horny dudes are beyond help. They just gotta learn the hard way.

  • One of my recent posts sat in purgatory before it went live. Don't think it made the feed, tho.

    It's frustrating that the reviews are so inconsistent. But then, I guess it's a revolving door at the outsourced agency. Don't think reviewing dick pics is much of a career 😂


  1. It is a shame, several years back there was a visionary That looked like he was going to make it work. It didn't happen and has been on a land slid every since. The continual harassment by "management" to any and all of the blogging community is taking it's tole. The penny pinching is about to take it under.. I think this latest round of "orders we have seen will really put a mark on the real blogging!! It could have been a fine place, but now it is just next to third rate cheesy porn. The site shows no appreciation for the bloggers that made it good back a few years ago. And it looks like they would like to see them all quelled!!

    1. Things have been getting worse under the current CEO. No wonder the weasel is getting sued.

  2. Oh my word I found you!! Wahooo!!!

  3. I know the general consensus is that the posts are being denied because of non- English speaking reviewers, but I'm not convinced. If that was the case, a lot of the Craig's-List type ads I see would be denied also due to misunderstood words. More and more, I think it may be a deliberate attempt to drive content bloggers out.

    1. Tits and dicks seem to have free reign while constructive criticism doesn't. My inner conspiracy theorist is thinking pretty much along the same lines.

    2. I'm not a conspiracy theory person, personally. I'm just looking at the facts, and the facts are we don't make them any money, and the new members they want don't read content blogs. They are not only NOT trying to make things fair, but going out of their way to make them as uncomfortable and annoying as possible for us.

  4. worser and worser (channeling Alice in Wonderland)


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