Belated comment denials

  • This post has been denied by the management at AFF and not viewable by other members.

I complained about a comment simply saying "Right back at ya" being denied--twice.

What happens?

I get FOUR of my ALREADY approved (and replies/reactions received) comments denied!! The thing they all have in common is that I mention how the management is chasing short-term gain and the reviews are outsourced.

What's even more irritating is that it wasn't the first tier denying these comments. I feel betrayed.

We wouldn't be bringing up bad business practices and complaining if we aren't dealing with utter incompetence on a daily basis, now would we?

They're so concerned about the "influence" the blogs have on membership upgrades. Yeah, right. Bloggers make up less than 5% of the overall membership and those of us who blog regularly are even fewer than that.

People (mostly men) choose to not upgrade because of all the fakes/bots/scammers. All the execs have to do is read the threads on Reddit or look at clips on YouTube.

A small handful of us bloggers are not at fault for members not upgrading or continuing with their membership.

The execs should look in the mirror to see the reason why. The answer is in the reflection.

Originally posted on AFF January 5, 2024


  1. Of course they want to blame us, but there are plenty of people offsite saying all kinds of stuff about aff. They can't honestly believe it's about the long term bloggers. Enigma

    1. The weasel ain't gonna blame himself, so he's blaming the 1% (probably accurate percentage of the regular bloggers)

  2. Based on checking if Dating side profiles are active on the Community side, most (guesstimate 90%+-) aren't. FWIW, Buckheit has a PhD in statistics from Stanford.

    1. That weasel sure got a degree on douchebaggery

  3. I'm not convinced that they have escalated the censoring on content bloggers because they think we will influence membership upgrades. It doesn't make sense.

    1. The management has reached out to be about their concerns. That being said, it's my job to tell you what or what not to believe, but I can say that nothing in the current practices at the site makes sense.


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